Monday, March 29, 2010

Pesach Madness - Post Your Product!

In honor of Pesach, I'm asking readers to submit the wackiest "Kosher La'Pesach" products they've come across this year. I don't have anything special to submit at this time, personally, though I can begin the roster with Kosher La'Pesach napkins, courtesy of Badatz in Jerusalem. So in case you were thinking of ingesting napkins this year, you're covered.

What else is out there?


rivkayael said...

In Boro Park they are selling kosher shabbos candles (badatz). If they actually are a food item, does this mean that they are no longer muktze if I start snacking on them over shabbos? Not kosher l'pesach though.

(Your high school classmate Lev says hi-- this is his wife)

Chananya Weissman said...

You're making me hungry. Send Lev my warm regards.

rivkayael said...

Lev wants to know if he should send you candles for mishloach manot next year.