Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Futility of Matchmaking

I've always respected Rabbi Josh Yuter as a clear, sharp thinker who expresses himself articulately. He recently posted about his frustrating years as a member of Saw You At Sinai:

Of course, Yuter's post is only one man's experience, and there are countless possible explanations for why any one person's experience isn't representative of the general reality. Nay-sayers can posit that his experience of futility is entirely of his own doing for one reason or another, and there's no way we can disprove that any more than the nay-sayers can prove their cynical claims. So we'll just have to side with whoever makes the most sense. I'm comfortable with that.

It would be terrific if thousands more people like Yuter would share similar information. But considering how few among us can even post an opinion under their real name, since having an opinion and a real identity is apparently bad for shidduch purposes, we shouldn't expect more samples of data anytime soon.

Besides, I have yet to see an analysis of the shidduch world that doesn't depend almost entirely on anecdotal evidence, speculation, and extrapolation of large theories from relatively small and unscientific samples of data. Consider the following dubious opinions we often hear stated as indisputable facts:

"There is no real crisis. People are getting married all the time."
"There is no crisis in the charedi/yeshivish/chassidish/other community. It's only in the ____ community that there is a problem, and it's because [insert reason why we look down on them]."
"The problem is that singles are too picky."
"We just need everyone to think of everyone they know and try to set them up."
"There are far more single women than men."
"The single women are fantastic, but it's hard to find even a passable guy."

Here are some observations and comments based on Yuter's post:

1) I have often written that the numbers promoted by the dating sites themselves provide strong evidence of their futility. As I write this, SYAS boasts 597 matches. They concurrently boast an "extensive database" of 30,000 singles. The site has been running since 2003. So, in 8 years, the site has been successful for 1194 members. That is less than 4% of the CURRENT membership. We can only speculate how many people in all have tried the site and left over the years -- probably the current membership many times over. Based on this information alone, which is provided by the site itself in the form of marketing, the site is spectacularly unsuccessful, and the average member would have to use the site for several lifetimes to have a reasonable chance of success. The numbers from other Jewish dating sites are no more impressive.

2) Yuter received 711 suggestions in 4.5 years as an active member. That's 158 a year, more than 10 a month, and only 28 actual first dates and nothing of consequence to show for it. We don't know how much of this was his own "fault" (I doubt any more than that of the average member). But if these numbers are at all representative, and we combine them with the site's "success" numbers, the average suggestion has such a small chance of succeeding that you'd be better off just making cold calls from a Jewish telephone directory or asking out random people on the street.

Let's take it one step further. Let's assume the average member received 150 suggestions a year. 30,000 members would then receive 4.5 million suggestions a year. Multiply that by 8 years and there would be 36 million suggestions. 1194 members were matched in that time. Each individual suggested match by a shadchan has such a low percentage of leading to a marriage that my calculator got an error trying to figure it out.

I love to posit that a monkey could do just as well as the average shadchan, and based on these highly plausible numbers, would you really bet on the average shadchan in a head-to-head competition?

3) I have long gone against the propaganda that there are significantly more single women than men and that we just need to manipulate men to marry women the same age or older (the proponents of which have been silent for a couple of years now, fading into the oblivion I predicted for them when they were at their apex, surely to emerge at some point with another dopey idea). I have also challenged those who claim that "there are so many great girls out there and not enough decent guys".

I have claimed that women are far quicker to reject a man, and will do so for a long list of trivial reasons that fly in the face of the presumed desperate state of women. My critics have countered that women are quick to reject men because most men are revolting and pathetic. Such a response only supports my assertion that the single women in our community deserve far less sympathy and far more of the responsibility for the situation than the single men. I would say more than 50% of it.

(My interest here is not in playing a blame game, but in shedding light on some of the faulty beliefs that have become accepted as indisputable facts in our community, and which lead to misguided actions to solve problems that don't even exist.)

Yuter reports that nearly 4 out 5 women that he agreed to be connected with on SYAS rejected him, and there is no way to know how many rejected him before he was even approached. The naysayers can claim that there is something so horrible about him (after all, he's a single Jewish male) that no self-respecting woman would consider him, but the naysayers don’t want to see the truth. If 4 out of 5 women are turning down a perfectly good guy that has already agreed to correspond with them, then I don't think we can entertain the possibility that single Jewish women are desperate to get married and can't find a decent guy. For all the talk we hear about the mythical lists of women single guys have just desperate to meet them, the women are doing the vast majority of the rejecting, and not for respectable reasons.

The community instead needs to start exploring if feminism and other foreign values have infiltrated the community to such an extent that Jewish women look down on men, feel they no longer need men, and are so comfortable in their single lives that they view men as more of a threat to their cozy existence than a potential partner in life that transcends all mundane considerations. Sure, women will join SYAS and go out on dates, if only to prove to themselves and others that they really do want to get married, but they will often then sabotage any possibility of it happening.

Are you telling me the age-gap theory makes more sense?

4) Finally, I continue to be amazed that so much futility can be promoted as so much success, that so many singles continue to cling to what offers them nothing in return (besides a monthly bill), and that the community still believes that random blind dates set up by matchmakers who get it right virtually never is the way to go. Maybe all this demonstrates that one more belief the community holds as an indisputable fact is questionable after all.

That Jews are especially smart.


Commenter Abbi said...

I was with you until the feminism idea. Really? That hypothesis doesn't make any sense given that all the women who are impacted by the shidduch crisis (the women who supposedly hate men) desperately want to get married. Either they are all suffering from multiple personality disorder and cannot acknowledge this very important piece of self-knowledge that you've dug up, or your theory doesn't match up with reality.

Chananya Weissman said...

What makes you so sure women who turn down every man who comes their way for the most trivial of reasons, and then complain that there are no good guys out there, desperately want to get married? Actions speak louder than words.

Commenter Abbi said...

What makes you so sure women who turn down every man who comes their way for the most trivial of reasons do so because of "evil feminism"? There could be a myriad of psychological and emotional reasons women can't find a guy to settle down with, having nothing to do with feminism.

Many of these men are in no better of a state.

Chananya Weissman said...

I proposed a theory that is plausible. If you don't like it, gezundeheit.

Stu said...

I am married now BH with kids but this story resonated with me. When I was in Cardozo law school about 20 years ago I remember trying hard to get a date with ANY of the frum single girls. AND - so were many of my fellow single males. Once I was in the elevator and I heard girl "D" tell several students "oh, I wish there was a nice guy I could date...There are no decent guys around" I remember thinking to myself 2 things. One, what an insensitive and insulting remark to make while I was in the elevator. I guess I didnt make the cut to "decent." Two, I realized here was a girl who has rejected for a date me and like 10 other guys I know so what exactly is she looking for.
Also, while I was in law school, a Rav's wife called me and wanted to set me up with a "great serious girl." According to the Rav's wife this "great girl" cannot find any good dati guy to date. She gave me her name - I couldn't believe it it was a different girl from Cardozo also who had declined a date with me and several guys from my "chevra.". I told the Rav's wife that I asked her out several times and the girl said "no" and the Rav's wife was shocked. She said she was going to call the girl and tell her she was crazy to say no to a date with me. Well, anyway, she never called back.
My point is I think the writer is correct: there is serious blame to be placed on the dati girls who go around complaining about the lack of decent guys while at the same time rejecting dates from them.

Eliezer said...

I just wanted to comment on your numbers. First off, your estimate of them having 30,000 members, and possibly many times over that who have left, this is just an asumption, as you don't know how they get their numbers to consider who is a member, active or not. You are also not taking into account that they may have 30K members, but how many of them are actually active? You also did not take into account that over their 8 years they had to work up to the 30K mark. Which means they might have had only a few hundred the first year or so.
That being said, you don't know when they made those matches, and with how many members. So yes, 4% is pretty poor, but it that number doesn't mean that much.
I'm just saying there is little context of your numbers, and much assumption to go with it - which is exactly the problem you are bemoaning of no good analysis.

Lastly, you are knocking all of shadchanim, yet you are only taking this from one frum dating site. To know what shadchanims hit rate is (in a general sense), you'd need to actually ask them how they are doing. How many people they set up and what their rate is.

Chananya Weissman said...

SYAS lists their current membership on their home page, so your initial remark is foolish.

It is entirely reasonable to assume that there have been many thousands of people who have tried their service and stopped.

We know exactly how many matches they have made, how long they have been in existence, and how many members they have. The best case scenario is that they are a dismal failure. The only question is just how dismal.

I don't know where I "knocked all shadchanim". I'm simply working with factual numbers and demonstrating that shadchanim as a whole are incredibly ineffective. If you think otherwise, God bless you.

Unknown said...

You know this article opened my eyes to some things but then honestly i just stopped reading because I learned long ago that busying myself with positive activity is the only remotely reliable formula for life improvement. But before I log off I will offer this observation. Many many persons of the opposite gender seem totally unpromising until someone else marries them. Then they seem to take on a panache all their own. Food for thought.

Chananya Weissman said...

I am involved with a tremendous amount of positive action to improve the shidduch world. Part of that necessitates pointing out how and why the current model is ineffective and counterproductive, and also debunking myths and misconceptions many people have. If you want to built something beautiful, you don't always get to build on virgin soil. Often you have to first demolish a decaying structure that is standing in the way. Sorry that offends your sensibilities.