Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our Stupid Leaders

A short time ago there was a bombing at a crowded area very close to the Jerusalem Central Bus Station. My father was boarding a bus only a few feet away from the explosion, and I was there 3 days ago. The relief at having closely missed the attack mixes with anger and sadness for the dozens of my fellow Jews who were not so fortunate.

Our "leaders" now march before the cameras and reporters to recite the usual script that would comprise a comedy if it weren't such a tragedy.

The following quotes come from the Jerusalem Post online:

"Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat...called the incident a "cowardly terrorist attack."

Actually, I think it takes a lot of guts to perpetrate a mass killing of this sort. What is cowardly is the usual "restrained" response. What is cowardly is having the capability to do more to protect your people but being afraid of criticism and the like.

"Most importantly, he said, is to return to your normal lives so that the terrorists don't think they can win."

As if the following conversation will take place between the next would-be Arab killers:

Look, Mohammed! The Jews are still riding the buses like normal! They are even still pushing each other to get on! Let's just forget about trying to kill them."

"Police Insp.-Gen. David Cohen said that the Israel Police and Jerusalem Police were as prepared for Wednesday's Jerusalem terror attack as they could be."

That's reassuring. Sounds like the terrorists won after all.

"Cohen said that he did not believe that the attack represented a move backwards towards the years of terror attacks"

What is it then, intrepid Police Inspector General?

"but said that the Israel and Jerusalem Police are fully prepared for any situation."

Apparently not.

"[Eli Yishai] added that "recent events require us to take action. If we don't do this we will lose our power of deterrence.""

In other words, if you don't deter the terrorists you will lose the power to deter them? Is there no better motivation than that?

The only way to deter Arab terrorists is to kill them before they kill you. The only ones deterred here are the Jews.

"Likud MK Miri Regev said that "Israel must prepare for a second Operation Cast Lead and not allow the terror to continue out of control."

So controlled terrorism is okay? How much is tolerable? As long as more Israelis die in traffic accidents?

"Homes of the terrorists and those who sent them should be destroyed because terrorists' conditions in prison are too good.""

Yeah, that will deter them.

Bunch o' dopes.

There were some more intelligent reactions from other officials, but unfortunately they are not the ones with great influence. Let us pray for better leaders, and let us pray not merely for peace, but that the blood of those killed and maimed today will be properly avenged.

Until then we should not want peace even if it is genuinely offered to us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we definitely need leaders with guts and a true belief that we must defend ourselves and be prepared to deter terrorists in any way we can. we are too in awe of world opinion. no other country would tolerate a small fraction of bombings, rocket attacks and the like.
when will we wake up and see that we are alone in the world and we must unite and not allow others to dictate how we should run our own countrys defense?