Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another sign the world is coming to an end

This morning in shul there was a boy wearing a yarmulka with the idolatrous "Long live the king Messiah..." AND a Yankees NY logo.


May said...


a mom said...

If the Rebbe whom so many trust and respect, will show up as Moshiach ben David, (also since he is a decendent of Dovid Hamelech through the Maharal of Prague), will you not join into the Geulah?

Rabbi Weissman, as you are an intellegent and open minded young man, I'm surprised at your biased comment..

Chananya Weissman said...

That won't be a problem, any more than the theoretical problem of Jesus coming back to be the Messiah.

I'm not so open-minded that my brains fell out.